Go Go Goldfish! is a cooperative game, all of the players work together. Your job is to help the goldfish get to the sea by getting all 5 goldfish to the splashes at the top of the board before the seagull gets to the green end space and eats the goldfish. Each person takes a turn and on that player's turn they make the final decision about which goldfish to move, but they should work with the other players to find the best plan.
Board Setup
Place each goldfish on a start space at the bottom. Place the seagull at the orange seagull starting space.
When you click the 'Roll Dice' button you will get 1, 2, or 3 and color coded either green or red. The green represents the seagull flying and following the green arrows, and the red represents the goldfish following the red arrows. The goldfish always go straight up and the seagull always follows the green arrows. If the seagull catches a goldfish, the goldfish has to return to its start space.
If the seagull lands on a net it is caught for its next turn and the next time you roll a green seagull move it does not get to move.
If you're very good and willing to do extra work for your therapist, they might move the seagull backwards 5 spaces if you're in danger of losing the game...
Remember, everyone wins or loses as a team!